Hi there and welcome
If you’re reading this, then you might be looking for a safe place to feel heard and understood. A place where you can process, re-group or find hope again.
I’m Laura and I’d love to help.
Whether you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, experiencing symptoms of trauma, or adjusting to a major life change, I’m here. To listen and support you. To give you a safe, confidential space to figure things out. To give you tools to help manage your mental health, day by day.

What I can help you with…
Living like this might leave you feeling exhausted, trapped and overwhelmed, perhaps even reaching breaking point.
But you’re not alone. I can offer you a safe, comfortable and professional space to talk. Learn skills that help you calm and re-orientate yourself. Feel less alone and better able to connect with those around you. When you’re ready, understand the root causes and start to feel more in control of your life.
Recovery from trauma
It might feel like you’re working a triple shift: just to function, to put your ‘I’m ok’ mask on for everyone around you, all the while being drained by the battle inside. This might make it difficult to connect with those around you, like you’re being silenced. Managing all this can be exhausting.
Come to a space where you’re no longer alone, where you can feel safe and understood. Learn skills to quieten those thoughts and calm your body. Together, we'll work through the underlying causes so you can begin to heal.
Anxiety and depression
At the same time, you may be struggling with feelings of guilt, that you shouldn’t be feeling this or you should have moved on already. This might leave you feeling shut down or struggling to find the way forward.
Come to a place where you can stop for a moment, to cry, rant and grieve. A safe space where you can work through what you’ve experienced and make sense of how you’re feeling. And hopefully reach a place where you're able to remember the past without it consuming your present.
Facing a major life change